The end of the first week, and how I am wanting life to say yes to me! It helps to see people who wish the best for us, and have shown up as new friends right as we are leaving home. All in life is a process... of waking up and letting go.
My anxiety is up, and so are my desires to provide well for us both. How will this transition actually pan out with just over half the initial capitol gone? Not possessing a personal history of social spontaneity or networking at this point, all my panic responses about the great unknown are on alert!
I feel like I am learning the hard way about the sheer magnitude of finding reasonably affordable housing in an inflated metro environment. Easy to see that choices would be greatly helped to enter the game from a much more reasonable personal sense of financial resource in the process of looking.
Why most people acquiesce to paying four-digit figures only in throw-away RENT is crazy! Then the vainly competitive application process saturated with fees giving sheer strangers access to one's personal information as a matter of course _ in "applying" for a much more complicated rental environment is equally unfathomable to the common sense of this country mouse! Is it really a wonder there is identity theft?!
The great illusion of America is her attachments to money... that it is too bad most of her "free" citizens do not more consciously comprehend the basic ideas behind defining a medium of exchange... yet philosophizing right now about the hard facts of finding a suitable dwelling place before the roar of the current machine of big-city housing, may be that which is only drowned out. The realities of finding housing are what they are, and yet talking about it helps to empower, and embolden the spirits of this tiny country mouse in the beginning steps of a new (old) process!!
Summer solstice will be here before we know it in this (modern) crazy world!
L'orgie du printemps, oilNext time_ gratitude for a wonderful daughter! Gratitude for my own strong sense of self as expressing healthy empowerment!