Hello world!
Away from the online journal here at Timeless Rhythms Studio, I have been growing my life in different directions for some time now!
For example, over the last 3+ years, I finally intersected my evolution between traditional fine art making with digital mobile technology! In doing so, we've realize an AWESOME touring app for local art collections that is NOT a point-and-go-find
app-tivity. Publicly launched and toured to lucky visitors in 2012, it is so much more! Since then, my moves to grow the project community and funding support are going more slowly, yet tenaciously- for I never give up on the smart and savvy! So stay tuned; in fact, jump on-board as a funder/supporter! Just leave a contact on this post.
Meanwhile., if you know any conscious culture-builders, send them and their desires to fund what is innovative, of nourishment for the greater good over lifetimes, and a tool that changes public participation in public life p o s i t i v e l y! Send them to this post! :)
As well, I am continuing to develop a fledgling interest in old-fashioned (did I just say that?!), cultural research on historic female artists. Not published yet- not even close! And again, not giving up because things that take time and point us toward beauty in life, can require our lives to leave a substantive mark. So just stay in touch, and ket me know that you are! :)

Finally, I discovered a very fair, web-based resource for artists to sell their work online, in ways that commodify some works that the artist chooses, at prices that the artist sets and DOES experience getting paid regularly, (when we make our own sales). There are tons of choices about selling choice details and lots of other information that is not only streamlined, it is also transparent. Your own URL is priced at an annual rate that even a struggling artist's budget can manage. It is called Fine Art Anerica- you can google it yourself if you are interested, AND you can click on
THIS link to go to my website, and buy one of my beautiful artful totes, after you've played around to your heart's content with image sizing, background color choices, and compositional layout- to make your own unique tote design. Be sure to share my artful totes with everyone you know! Send them as gifts, and share the
web link!
Ok! For now, that brings you up to date- I hope to see you around my Timeless Rhythms Studio online journal!