Anyone keeping up with my posts will notice that the header has a new title. That now cognizant, detail is the result of participating in a telesummit, as it is termed, that is geared for artists making a living successfully from their art!
Consistency in one's public i.d. is the first really awful mistake most people, without a budget to speak of for marketing, and in any money-making endeavor, most frequently overlook.
So, if my business cards introduce me as a working artist with the name "Timeless Rhythms" in bold lettering, then everything pointing to my artwork also deserves that consistent identification.
Even though this blogspot is beginning as primarily a journaling site for me, it also includes identifying myself as an artist, and includes examples of my artwork...!
My studio name has existed for over five years now, so you'd think I'd know it! There are obvious things that we do congnizantly know, and then over the course of too much time alone, we do out of fatigue forget. I learned it again today in this telesummit just for artists!!
The name got developed as my own "breadcrumb" in order to keep the deeper meaning of identity connected to a relevant personal lifeline. One that I could see was going to take second chair to a willing devotion that my daughter deserved from me, as her mother. In order to work her way through high school the way she needed, the last five years have been in service to her support! I salute you my dearest girl! Our family life IS a team effort.
As a fulltime, single parent, who has worked as an artist for most all of my daughter's growing up years, and as she marked my every step to paint, show, and, sell as a real trooper girl, these last five years are very well invested outside of the studio. Hence, the professional studio name has a roundness in it's recognition of all that this woman artist's life must be. There is no escaping this, if one chooses family. There is no escaping period, the reality of pioneering one's means of working from greater privilege, right into the twenty-first century as a woman identified, when one's mutually chosen field is art. Mutually, meaning that the universe and I chose this, at age seven!
I include, that no matter what work one does, and no matter what gender one identifies as living, this remaking of self in order to move forward in composing a life, can be read as inclusive in the personal descriptions that I share with you here. More on quite a bit of this later in our Timeless Rhythms...

after Thomas Hart Benton, prisma colour
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