Welcome to Timeless Rhythms Studio, online art journal! Look at some of my posted art (above), read my entries and feel free to comment on any part of the blog that interests you! Most of my art is available for purchase and I can also be commissioned for a variety of custom painting projects, from portraits to murals. Contact me here by leaving a comment on any post. I look forward to hearing from you in my Timeless Rhythms Studio, online art journal!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Launch of a New Project blog

Ok! Here it is! I got the site launched late last night. There are rough spots perhaps, yet I wanted to get the idea out there no matter what. Being good at what I do, I would rather get out there and connect with people so I can help others to enjoy in their special moments in life!
Use these muralettes as gifts for yourself, someone you love, a friend or special person you care about, a boss or someone in your life to whom you wish to communicate something special; something important to you both!

I will be launching this idea on craigslist in the next few minutes, so I look forward to hearing from you!
I am really excited about the journey to paint that special muralette for you, or someone you care about and wish to communicate more than words can say. A special image to be shared and enjoyed about a special place, a special time, special idea, goal, or object of desire in the goodness of the heart!

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